Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Renumeration presentation review - Vivid group

The Vivid group were the last group to do their presentation, which was on the topic of renumeration. I have very mixed feedback for this group because half of the group presented well and half not so well. The ones that presented well spoke very clearly and were as engaging as you can get for a presentation on renumeration, although at times they did speak in too much detail, taking up far too much time. The other side of the group gave off the feeling that they were very unsure of what they were talking about, and provided far too little detail. The half of the group that spoke well did so by reading their notes to the audience, rather than just reading their notes. They were able to elaborate and properly explain things rather than just reading a page full of large words to impress us like some other presentations have done. The other half of the group spent most of the time reading their notes off the page and didn't elaborate on anything. The written part of the presentation definitely had thought put into it's structure, as each section flowed pretty well onto the next. It's only flaw was that it sometimes had far too much on the screen at once, so it became a little difficult to take it all in at once. There was also a lot of jargon that was thrown around without being properly explained to people that hadn't researched the topic for a presentation. The examples they provided were very well explained. Especially the case of using Pat's real world pay slips to demonstrate what they were talking about. One thing I would have liked to see was their project being reflected in the presentation. Their project is the only real world project with a budget and an end goal, so it would have been nice to see some of that come out in the presentation for relevance.

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